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  • 教师招聘或资格证面试试讲—英语面试语音课环节解读

    2017-06-30 16:33 河北人事考试网 来源:保定华图 河北公考奋斗群



    保定华图电话:0312-5858129    2017华图教师考试交流:437282059      面授课程




      教师资格证面试试题所选自的课文多出自人民教育出版社的教材。熟悉人教版小学英语教材的同学都知道每一个单元所包括的版块有:Let’ try; Let’s talk; Let’s learn; Role-play; Let’s spell;Read and write等等。当给出的版块是Let’s spell时,我们要设计的就是语音课了,如下图所示:



      Step1: Leading

      Good morning, Boys and girls! Today is a sunny day, right? My friend Lucy had a trip yesterday. Do you want to know where she went? Yes, I want to know it, too. Now, let’s watch a video.

      Who can guess where it is? Lily, please! You said it’s in a farm. Do you all agree with her? Yes, you really did a good job! Lucy went to the farm. Do you want to know what she saw in the farm?

      Step2: Presentation

      Wow! Boy and girls, we are in the farm now. Is it beautiful? Yes, the farm is big and beautiful! Let’s find our good friend Lucy, ok? Where is Lucy? Oh, she is over there. What is she doing? Let’s go to see. Who can tell us what she is doing? Sam, please! You said she is looking a beautiful flower, right? Yes, it’s a flower. Everybody, read after me, flower, flower. Ok, you please. Flower, [aʊ],[aʊ], try again, very good!

      Let’s follow Lucy to look around. Wow! What can you see? It’s a cow! Cow, cow, cow. [aʊ],[aʊ]. Cow, cow, cow. Is the cow big? Yes, the cow is very big.

      Step3: Practice

      Activity: Now let’s do “listen, circle and say”. I will read and you circle the different one. Got it? Yes! Are you ready? The second one: how, flower, window. The third one: now, snowy, slow. Did you finish? Fantastic! Who wants to show your answer? You, please. The second one is window. Excellent!

      Who can answer the third one? Ok, you please! You chooses snowy? I’ m sorry. Would you like to try again? Good!Listen carefully! Now, snowy, slow. Which one is different from others? Great! Everybody, slow, [əʊ], [əʊ], slow. The others are [aʊ],[aʊ], now, snowy.

      Step4: Consolidation

      Let’s do the “listen, write and say”. The faster, the winner. Clear? Well done! Are you ready? Yes! I see a yellow flower. Slow done. How about tomorrow? Who wants to try? Wow, you are so fast. The first sentence is? Wonderful! I see a yellow flower. It’s flower. Give your group two stars.

      Step5: Summary

      Boys and girls, what have you learnt today? Yes, we learnt the pronunciation of “ow”. And, we learnt many words with “ow” and their difference. Good job! Today, we see what there are on the farm from our friend Lucy. We have a happy time. Right? Yes! I hope we can always learn from Lucy. Do you also think so?

      Step6: Homework

      We learnt so many words with “ow”, today’s homework is to read the words we learnt today with your partners. Are you clear? Yes! Ok, Today’s class is over. Bye-bye!See you tomorrow!








      以上是教师招聘或资格证面试试讲—英语面试语音课环节解读的全部内容,更多关于教师招聘,面试,河北人事考试备考技巧的信息敬请加入公考考试群 河北人事考试群,及关注河北公务员考试网/河北人事考试网


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